Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Topics

1) Right to Bear arms. I would pick this topic because I am pro-gun and would like to combat the idea of gun-control. This topic is about gun rights. Right to Bear Arms." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
Guns save millions of lives every year. It is a natural right to be able to protect yourself. 40% of Americans own guns.  According to the U.S. Department of Justice, about 37,500 gun sales, including 17,800 handgun purchases, are completed every day nationwide. How could people limit the second amendment if it is a right not a privilege. Most liberals that want gun control know nothing about guns, why do they have any credibility at all? SEMI AUTOMATIC ASSAULT RIFLE. It doesn't make any sense. That term is a term ignorant people use when talking against guns. It is a contradiction. If the second amendment is a right, why is it possible to limit? Privileges can be taken away, rights cannot be.

2) Capital Punishment. The topic is about whether or not people should get the death sentence ever. "Capital Punishment." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. These people believe that under no circumstances a person should be killed. It is apparently inhumane. The main idea is supported in the idea that people can wrongfully be executed. Also, they may die painfully. But why should the taxpayers money go towards housing murderers? What is the point of letting these people rot in prison while people have to watch them when they can just be killed? "Furthermore, killing as retribution is wrong because societies should hold themselves to a higher standard than that of individual murderers." This makes no sense to me. It isn't just about a being the "Perfect accepting society" it is about getting killers off of the streets. And by keeping them they cost a lot of money. I don't understand this reference of mind.
Keeping these criminals alive cost a lot of money and resources. Why should we spend money on killers?

3) Self defense laws. This topic is about laws that regulate how people can protect themselves from threats. "Self-Defense Laws." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. At its most fundamental level, self-defense is recognized as a natural right.  If your life is in danger you should be able to protect yourself, even if it means killing an attacker. To me this is common sense in a life or death situation. Why shouldn't a person be allowed to use lethal force if it is needed. It isn't right to make a person choose between death or prison. I don't understand the argument, "But what if they kill a person unjustly?" This argument is just ridiculous. In that case they would go to prison for murder. Shouldn't people have the right to protect themselves and their families without having the fear of going to prison. Since when was self defense a crime?

4)Minimum Wage. This topic is about if whether the minimum wage should be increased in the U.S. "Minimum Wage." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 Oct. 2015. People think that by raising the minimum wage people will be positively affected and the economy will be improved. People will supposedly be able to support themselves more. This makes no sense. Wouldn't the value of money be decreased? Wouldn't more people be lead off? I don't know what FLSA means. I've never heard of this. This is the US department of labor. I don't think minimum wage holds up. Why is it so widely supported?

5) Child Abuse. This topic is about children being abused. "Minimum Wage." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 Oct. 2015. Children are being protected by laws in the US. In other countries however this is an issue. Until 1900's many things were let go that are now child abuse. Children worked in mines. What is the limits to what can be done to disipline children? The issue is common law which I am unsure of. This means it can be determined differently by judges. Can children be diciplined now.

3) Potential research topics

Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 4 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you. Read the overviews provided for each of the topics you select.

In order that you read each of the overviews carefully, you are to answer the following questions about each overview:

  • What is the topic you are reading about?
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog. DO NOT COPY THE URL!
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed.
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand.
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?)
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down.
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion.


  1. Now I have your blog address and can check your work. You are doing an excellent job with the assignment.

  2. Nicholas, what is the source citation for the child abuse topic? You copied the one for minimum wage. Also, next time write a separate blog post for each topic. That way I can comment on each topic separately.
